Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Vera Hockman

Letter No. VWL3912

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Vera Hockman

Letter No.: VWL3912

The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

[22 or 23 April 1934]

Dear Vera
How wonderful & sweet of you to write at once.
I love having all you dear people round me making music with such devotion to the art – it is a great experience for me.
I wanted to embrace you all – but the occasion was too public.1
Mrs Blake was so wonderfully sympathetic.2 We must carry out our plan one Wednesday early in June.
Love from Uncle Ralph

P.S. Do you think Mrs Blake would write me a line to pass on to the choirs?

1. This was probably after VW conducted Elgar’s Dream of Gerontius at Leith Hill Festival in 1934.
2. Mrs Blake was Carice Elgar Blake, daughter of Edward Elgar.