Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Vera Hockman

Letter No. VWL3917

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Vera Hockman

Letter No.: VWL3917

The White Gates

July 7 [1943]

My dearest Verissima,
It was most sweet of you to write – I thought everyone wd find my new tune so dull!1
Talking of large families I will tell you an amusing story.
I have a young friend with no money & a growing family. He wrote that he had lately been feeling depressed & wondering whether he ought to have brought all his offspring into the world – but then my symphony had put “new hope” into him – shall I be responsible if it mounts up to a dozen? And shall I have to support them?
All my love & to Dulcie2 also
Uncle Ralph

1. Probably Symphony no.5 (first performed 24 June 1943)
2. Daughter of Vera Hockman