Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ursula Wood

Letter No. VWL1477

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ursula Wood

Letter No.: VWL1477

[Dec 14th? '40]

My Dear

Here is the Ab: Chron:1 – They might have spelt your name right!
I thought of writing the editor and saying “I am glad, dear Miss Sprig, that you have put Ursula Wood’s alongside of Max Birnbaum and Robert Trevillian”2 but I decided not to.
I loved having your letter today – all war work is dull my dear except at moments.
Love from


1. Abinger Chronicle, the local paper at Dorking, to which VW had sent some of UW’s poems. See VWL1499.
2. i.e. Sylvia Sprigge, the editor of the Chronicle, Max Beerbohm, whom UW had met on her first visit to The White Gates in July, and Robert Trevelyan (Bob Trevy), one of VW’s oldest friends.