Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ursula Wood

Letter No. VWL1552

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ursula Wood

Letter No.: VWL1552

[Early November 1941]

My Dear

All the versions of the poem are lovely.
– I can’t make up my mind yet
– Any way I can’t get down to it for a long time.
I will bring 2/6 along with me but I want to know more details. A mere peck is only worth 1/3. But was it passionate? If so 3/0. Was it intended as an epilogue to a comedy? In which case 5/0. Let me know full details.
As regards places for Sat. I’ve got a man coming to see me at 10.0. I may catch the 11.18 (Wloo 12.3).1 But it may have to be 11.55 (Wloo 12.43) – so in that case it will be a quick lunch and no time for any “funny stuff” as M.M.2  wd say.


1. Trains from Dorking to Waterloo Station.
2. Probably May Mukle.