Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to the Performing Right Society

Letter No. VWL4029

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to the Performing Right Society

Letter No.: VWL4029

The White Gates,
Dorking, Surrey.

19th July, 1950.

Dear Sir,
A short time ago I was in communication with Messrs. Curwen about the royalties on my Opera “Hugh the Drover”. I have up to the present always divided these as a personal matter with Mr. Child, and since his death with his widow, but as the royalties and performing fees are getting bigger, and also as I want the matters to be arranged after my death, I am arranging with Curwen’s to make a new contract with me, and another with Mrs. Child, in which we are each paid half the royalties due.
Messrs. Curwen thinks it might be possible to make a similar arrangement with Performing Fees. Perhaps you will kindly let me know what can be done about this?
Yours faithfully,

R Vaughan Williams

(R. Vaughan Williams).

The Secretary,
Performing Rights Society,
Market Margaret Street,
