Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to the Performing Right Society

Letter No. VWL4051

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to the Performing Right Society

Letter No.: VWL4051

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

Jan 4th 1952

Dear Sir

During the last few years I have been accustomed to receiving a substantial cheque from you about this time or rather earlier. This year the cheque has not materialized – You will understand that I am making no complaint – I feel sure there is some good explanation – either there is nothing owing to me at present, or you have decided to make your distribution at another time of the year; however as I am now overdrawn at my bank nearly £1000 I shall be glad to know how I stand in your accounts – whether I can expect a cheque soon from you or whether I shall have to sell our [share?] capital to put my bank account on the right side
Yrs faithfully

R Vaughan Williams