Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to the Editor of The Times

Letter No. VWL5078

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to the Editor of The Times

Letter No.: VWL5078

The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

March 4 [1947]

I have lately received from an American friend the following quotation from Emerson, which seems to me at the moment to be very appropriate: –
“Emerson, at Manchester, England, 1837: ‘This … England … pressed upon by the transitions of trade … I see her not dispirited, not weak, but well remembering that she has seen dark days before; indeed with a kind of instinct that she sees a little better in a cloudy day; and that in storm of battle and calamity she has a secret vigor, and a pulse like a cannon.’
“Copied and sent by an American who feels acutely his own unworthiness of softer present fortunes; who considers every Englishman these days an individual St. George, and thanks God for England’s great pulse of the spirit!”
Yours faithfully,
Ralph Vaughan Williams