Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to the Editor of The Times

Letter No. VWL5100

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to the Editor of The Times

Letter No.: VWL5100

[11 September, 1956]

May I be allowed to add a few words to your obituary notice of my old friend, Ralph Wedgwood?  Our intimacy began in 1892 when we were both freshmen at Trinity College, Cambridge; and in spite of very diverse careers and interests our friendship has continued unbroken.  We last met less than a fortnight ago when we had a delightful talk over old times.
A man of Wedgwood’s mental calibre was naturally sought after by all the young intellectuals of Cambridge, and owing to my friendship with him, I also was admitted to the magic circle.  Our chief intimates were Maurice Sheldon-Amos, G.W. Moore, and George Trevelyan.  In this company we had many happy summer reading parties.
When the National Trust took over Leith Hill Place, near Dorking, Ralph and Iris Wedgwood became their tenants, and the house, once again, became known to the local inhabitants as “Wedgwood’s” – as it had been in the time of my grandfather.  Under their care the house has been much beautified without losing its character.  The old drawing room was filled with Wedgwood treasures which they were pleased to show to any visitors.
Indeed, Ralph was by no means the typical business man: he was widely read in all forms of literature and philosophy and took particular interest and pride in the work of his historian daughter, Veronica.