Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Sir Alexander Kaye Butterworth

Letter No. VWL3812

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Sir Alexander Kaye Butterworth

Letter No.: VWL3812

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

July 4th [1937]

Dear Sir Alexander
I think I told you that in my will I proposed to divide my royalties etc. after my own & my wife’s death between the Butterworth Trust and the British Musicians Pension Fund (“Pinches Fund”). At last my solicitors have got my will ready and assure me that the most convenient way will be for my executors to pay the whole (if any) of the royalties each year over to the Butterworth Trust with a request to pay half of it in to “Pinches Fund” – Do you think the Trust will be willing to do this? If you agree I will tell my solicitors to add the clause and risk the unlikely event of the other trustees reversing your decision1
Yours sincerely
R Vaughan Williams

1. See VWL3816.