Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Roy Douglas

Letter No. VWL2711

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Roy Douglas

Letter No.: VWL2711

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

August 10th, 1953.

Dear Roy,

Further to our telephone conversation, I have written a Christmas Cantata called Hodie which David Willcocks wants to hear before deciding whether to do it at Worcester in 1954.  The playing through on your part will involve faking up the thing to include solo and chorus parts where nescessary.1 There is, or will be, a pianoforte arrangement nicely copied by Gus,2 and an illegible full score by me; you can use which you like
As we arranged the paythrough3 shall take place at 2.45. on Thursday September 3rd. at the R.C.M.4 if available, if not probably at the O.U.P.5  We ought to run it through privately beforehand.  There are several things I want to hear at the morning Gloucester rehearsal which means that I should not be available till 12.30.6  I think we could get in an hour, and have time for lunch between 12.30 and 2.45. but if you happen to be coming to London on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday I should be available, except on Tuesday between 10.30 & 2.45.  Of course if you cared to come here on Sunday August 30th it would be a great pleasure to see you, and if your sister would care to come with you she would be welcome.
Do you think that a fee of five guineas would be adequate?


1. sic.
2. Gus de Mauny, a copyist VW used regularly.
3. sic.
4. Royal College of Music
5. Oxford University Press
6. VW would be in Gloucester for the Three Choirs Festival.