Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Roy Douglas

Letter No. VWL3111

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Roy Douglas

Letter No.: VWL3111

10, Hanover Terrace, N.W.1.

August 6th 1955.

Dear Roy
Herewith the score and your pages with corrections.1 If you could get the piano score ready soon I should be very grateful, as then I could get it all finished off before we go away at the begining2 of September. I think if we sent it through the O.U.P. to some body of people, early, it might get a show at Christmas. There is no hurry about the full score. I agree that you had better recopy my new bits, and could you also suprintend3 the alteration of the parts to fit.
 Now a new horror! I have decided to finish the symphony4  and it is all ready for your kind attention when ever you have time and inclination to undertake it: but I realise that cannot be yet.
 I hope you will have a good holiday in September.

Typing rather mousier than usual: weather??5

1. Score of On Christmas Night, which Douglas was to prepare for performances.
2. sic.
3. sic.
4. Eighth Symphony.
5. This line in hand of UVW alongside the letter.