Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ronald Cunliffe

Letter No. VWL3154

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ronald Cunliffe

Letter No.: VWL3154

13 Cheyne Walk
S.W 3


Dear Sir

I am sorry for delay in answering your letter – But how you got hold of an address of a house where I stayed a few weeks 3 years ago passes my comprehension!

What I suggest is that the boys shd write their own “slogan” – wd you allow me to offer a prize for the best one?

Yrs faithfully
R Vaughan Williams

  • To:
  • From:
  • Scribe:
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  • General Notes:

    Cunliffe directed and orchestra and a choir in Todmorden, Yorkshire, the “Ronald Cunliffe Boys’ Choir”. He had written to four composers – Bantock, Holst, Elgar and RVW – asking if they could each provide “a rally–cry, or slogan, or yodel, or what you will to call it” for the houses within the choir which he had named in their honour. All four composers obliged.

    The prize was awarded and reported in the Todmorden Advertiser and Hebden Bridge Newsletter of 6 July 1923. See further in letters VWL3155, VWL3156, VWL3157.

  • Location Of Original:
  • Shelfmark:
    MS Mus. 160, f.61