Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ronald Cunliffe

Letter No. VWL3157

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ronald Cunliffe

Letter No.: VWL3157

13 Cheyne Walk
SW 3

March 12 1923

Dear Mr Cunliffe
Please forgive my not answering before – I have been so busy1
I have consulted with Mr R.O. Morris – & we both independently came to the conclusion that for the purpose the best was No. 5 “Presto”
Now as to the small prize – I suggest some volumes of Bach
Would you advise me as to what
I suggest (A) some vols of the pfte works
or (B) ——————- organ works
or (C) vocal scores of some cantatas
or (D) Full score of Matthew Passion
(D) ————— B minor Mass

Yrs sincerely
R Vaughan Williams

P.S. “Proxime accesserunt” 3 & 42

1. See VWL3054. VW had offered a prize for a competition.
2. i.e. runners-up