Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Robert Müller-Hartmann

Letter No. VWL1428

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Robert Müller-Hartmann

Letter No.: VWL1428

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

Aug 6th 1940

Dear Dr Müller Hartmann,

It was a great pleasure to meet your daughter yesterday – I thought she was looking well though naturally depressed, but I feel that now there is great hope & I cannot but believe that what I think a great wrong will be put right.
I had such pleasure in your lecture at Burchett House1 the other day. I hope very soon that you will be again able to contribute to our National Culture by your studies in English music.
I feel sure then, in spite of all, you will still continue to believe in English freedom. The Government were in a terrible emergency and had to adopt, all [of] a sudden whole sale measures which wanted enquiries on many perfectly innocent people. May you you2 soon be free to work for the country of your adoption and for the cause we all have at heart.
Yours sincerely

R. Vaughan Williams

1. Run by the Dorking Refugee Committee for Jewish refugees.
2. sic.