Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Robert Müller-Hartmann

Letter No. VWL2910

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Robert Müller-Hartmann

Letter No.: VWL2910

The White Gates,
Dorking, Surrey.

9th November, 1949

Dear Müller Hartmann
I am so glad you can come on the 20th.1
Do read the “Scholar Gipsy” and “Thyrsis” which comes next to it in the book.2
As regards the 104th Psalm you need not read that except for the pleasure of reading such magnificent language. My “Fantasia” is on the tune of the metrical version of the 104th Psalm in Sternhold & Hopkins3 and I only used one or two verses for the sake of giving the choir something to sing.
R. Vaughan Williams

R. Müller-Hartmann, Esq.,
c/o J. Hornstein, Esq.,
Ladyegate Road, Dorking.

1. See VWL2909. VW had invited Müller-Hartmann to listen to some new works.
2. The two poems by Matthew Arnold from which VW drew the text for An Oxford Elegy.
3. The Whole Book of Psalms, Collected in English Metre, By Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and Others (London, 1720).