Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ralph Wedgwood

Letter No. VWL105

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ralph Wedgwood

Letter No.: VWL105


Dear Randolph,

As Adeline is at her home for today (Sunday) I have taken the liberty of opening your letter.  Your plans seem to betray the presence of genius – we’ve been looking out in a guide book and as far as we can make out the best country is above Richmond1 – round Reeth & Luker – do you think it would be jolly to try and find a country inn for our few days.  Or would it be jollier to do something of this kind
Friday bicycle from Richmond to Reeth (10 miles) spend Sat exploring around there

Sunday Reeth to Luker2 (9 miles) and spend the rest of our time there – I hope you have a plan of action in your head as we both prefer obeying to command.

Ach mein lieber Randolph how jolly it will be once more to have a reading party – and this time with no discordant elements3.
Yrs affectionately

Ralph Vaughan Williams

1.  Richmond in Yorkshire.
2.  i.e. Muker.
3.  On previous occasions (Skye in 1894, Seatoller in 1895 and Cornwall in 1896 – dates ex inf Andrew Herbert) perhaps RVW had been the odd man out in not being an Apostle or perhaps there had been other difficulties.