Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ralph Wedgwood

Letter No. VWL302

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ralph Wedgwood

Letter No.: VWL302

13 Cheyne Walk,
Chelsea, S.W.


Dear Randolph

R. Curle1 reports that you think that I think (this is rather Irish) that I don’t admire G. Butterworths compositions – so I want to put right anything I may have said which leads you to this conclusion. Because I do think that he is one of our rising lights – I don’t think that he has quite “found himself” yet – but is rapidly doing so.
We are all safely home now I’m thankful to say. I heard of you in Switzerland at Xmas.
I was so very sorry to hear of cousin Emily’s illness – but I heard better news last time.
Write to me sometime and tell me how you are doing.
My love to Iris – I hear great things of her novel.2


1. Richard Curle, friend of the Wedgwoods and brother-in-law of Adeline VW.
2. Iris Wedgwood (Ralph Wedgwood’s wife) published several novels. Printed in part in Kennedy, Works of Vaughan Williams, p.400-401.