Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ralph Wedgwood

Letter No. VWL306

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Ralph Wedgwood

Letter No.: VWL306

13 Cheyne Walk


My dear Randolph

How disgraceful of me not to have written to you before & thank you for the cheese – which is truly wonderful with its carraway seeds.
Curlew and Boo1 are actually furnishing the flat – so things have progressed a little – but we move slowly in these days!
When do you move to the realms of fashion or have you got the car yet – I don’t know when we are to meet again – our recent meetings have been rather sicklied over with the pale cast  of Curle – but even so they were very jolly.2
Give my love to Iris also to the children – if they know who I am.


1. Adeline VW’s brother-in-law and sister, Richard and Cordelia Curle. AVW’s brother-in-law, Richard Curle, was not popular in the family as is evident from VW’s remark below.
2. An allusion to Hamlet [III.1.85] “Sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought”.