Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Norman Peterkin

Letter No. VWL1948

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Norman Peterkin

Letter No.: VWL1948

9th September [1945]

Concerto Accademico:

Now another matter.  My friend, Gerald Finzi, wants to do my Violin Concerto, but he wants to buy parts as apparently his orchestra rehearses each Work for several years, and mark their parts, but I understand that you can only hire.  Now I have a set of parts ( which were given me when the Work was first published.  I should like to give these to Mr. Finzi, but in fairness to you I have suggested that he should pay you a hire fee for each public performance.  If you think this a good suggestion, I will send him the parts and ask him to communicate with you.1

1.  See VWL1947. Peterkin wrote to Finzi on 11th September agreeing to the scheme. Finzi replied on 14th September: ‘Your cooperation over the V.W Concerto Academico is very much appreciated & of course I agree to pay a hire fee for each public performance we give. As by far the majority of our performances are non-profit making (in churches, village halls etc) may I suggest that on any such occasions we pay 10/6 & in cases where money is taken at the door, or we get our expenses paid, then we shd pay you a Guinea. I presume this arrangement shd hold good so long as the work remains on hire only & the parts are not purchasable, but I shd in any case, be very glad to pay for the parts which you have offered to let us have.’ On 17th September Peterkin accepted the proposal.