Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Myra Hess

Letter No. VWL1596

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Myra Hess

Letter No.: VWL1596

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

Oct 5 [1939]

My Dear Myra

Of course use my name & let me do anything else I can to help.1
One suggestion – would it be better to pay the nominal fee, as you suggest, to the artists, & then divide the profits (?) up between them – & not give it to the Mus: Ben:2 (they could pass it on themselves if they wished) – but I daresay you have thought it all out.
One more thing please don’t “Doctor” me – most of the young women of my acquaintance call me “Uncle Ralph” when they wish to be respectful, “V.W.” when otherwise inclined. Won’t you do one or the other according as you consider me a man or a mouse.


1.  VW is writing in response to a request for advice about the famous series of concerts which Myra Hess was to run throughout the war in the National Gallery.
2.  The Musicians Benevolent Fund, which received the profits from the National Gallery Concerts.