Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Mr Howgill (BBC)

Letter No. VWL2859

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Mr Howgill (BBC)

Letter No.: VWL2859

From R. Vaughan Williams,
10, Hanover Terrace,
Regents Park,
London, N.W.1.

August 1st 1954.

Dear Mr Howgill,1

I feel much flattered by your kind invitation, but I think I must ask you to let me off; what with my coming visit to America,2 a new work at Worcester Festival,3 not to mention my own private work, I feel that I simply cannot undertake anything more.  As a matter of fact I was not present at the first Prom, and I think you ought to find someone who was to make the talk really effective.4
Yours sincerely,

R Vaughan Williams

1.  Music controller, BBC.
2.  To be visiting professor at Cornell University for the autumn term.
3.  This Day (Hodie), which was due to take place at the Three Choirs Festival at Worcester on 8 September. 
4.  It appears that VW was asked to give a radio talk about the Henry Wood Promenade Concerts, possibly in connexion with completion of 60 seasons; they were started in 1895.