Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Michael Kennedy

Letter No. VWL3356

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Michael Kennedy

Letter No.: VWL3356

From R. Vaughan Williams,
10, Hanover Terrace,
Regents Park,
London, N.W.1.

July 22nd 1956.

Dear Michael,

It was wonderful of you to send those long letters.  I shall reply at length some time soon and this is just an acknowledgement.  And many thanks for the book, which puzzles me at present; but I daresay I shall get to appreciate it, in spite of the approval of Edith Sitwell.1 The flowers are in my study window with the sun on them and look beautiful.
Our love to Eslyn, and there can be no doubt that she was the loveliest girl there, in spite of the combined efforts of Gloucester and Cheltenham.2


1. The Kennedys had given the VWs The Outsider, by Colin Wilson (1956).
2. The Kennedys had been at the Cheltenham Festival.