Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Michael Calvocoressi

Letter No. VWL156

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Michael Calvocoressi

Letter No.: VWL156

Hotel de L’Univers et du Portugal
Rue Croix des Petits Champs

[December 1907]

Dear Mr Calvocoressi

I must write you one line to thank you for introducing me to the man who is exactly what I was looking for.1 As far as I know my own faults he hit on them all exactly & is telling me to do exactly what I half feel in my mind I ought to do – but it just wanted saying.
I have got Antar and have set to work on him.2  It is awfully kind of you to have been present at the lesson [-] it was such a help
Yrs very truly

R. Vaughan Williams.

1. VW had begun his lessons with Maurice Ravel.
2. i.e. The Antar Symphony by Rimsky Korsakov.