Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to May Harrison

Letter No. VWL5241

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to May Harrison

Letter No.: VWL5241

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White House,
Westcott Road,

July 27 [1940s]

My dear May

Do you ever play works for 2 violins at your recitals – or do you know of anyone who does?
I am anxious to “place” the enclosed which seems to me very good & well written. My old friend Robert Müller-Hartmann was a well known and successful composer in Germany, but being Jewish & Anti-Nazi he was obliged to come to England about 1938. Since then he has almost entirely failed to get his foot in in this country – it depresses him very much & a little encouragement would mean all the world to him. He is not, apparently, one of the foreigners kow-towed to by the BBC!

R Vaughan Williams

PS Could you send this back if you do not want it as there are not many copies