Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Maud Karpeles

Letter No. VWL4864

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Maud Karpeles

Letter No.: VWL4864

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road, 


Dear Maud
Thankyou very much for your letter – you shall have a score when it comes out so that you can obey your young friends advice . A superb performance – I heard it over the air.
I had a talk with Lady Ampthill1 about the B.A.C.2 – I think she is seeing you about it. I think the idea of enlarging the B.A.C. is a good one – so that younger people can be trained up to act when we depart.
– I think the BAC is useful & don’t want to see it go – but its chief use to my mind is that M.K.3 gets thereby a say in the destinies of the EFDJ4 – so that if you  resign I go also
Could you lunch with me before the meeting – I have to be at OUP5 till one – but we cd meet somewhere after that

1. Lady Margaret Ampthill was President of the English Folk Dance and Song Society
2. The Board of Artistic Control of the Society
3. i. e. Maud Karpeles
4. English Folk Dance Journal
5. Oxford University Press