Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Maud Karpeles

Letter No. VWL4866

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Maud Karpeles

Letter No.: VWL4866

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road, 

[August 1935]

Dear Maud
Forgive red ink – it has no sinister significance – only I’ve lost my fountain pen for the moment.
I have meant to write to you for a long time – but 1st I was very busy & then very lazy
I do hope you are having a good holiday now after your magnificent triumph1
I do hope we shall have an opportunity of saying all we think about you officially (I mean saying officially & not thinking officially)
I heard incidentally that the Chambery people thought there was no place like England. My next excitement is the Worcester Fest.2 – I suppose there is no chance of you being there
– Did I tell you that when I was at Wargrave3 an American sang me a beautiful version of “Down in Yon Forest”
I noted it down as she sang it to us with no tempi or accompaniment, she has now sent me tune &  words – I must show you when we meet
Love from

1. The organisation of the International Folk Dance Festival in July 1935.
2. The Three Choirs Festival, which took place in Worcester in September 1935.
3. To give a lecture on folk dance