Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Maud Karpeles

Letter No. VWL4901

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Maud Karpeles

Letter No.: VWL4901

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,

[September 1938]

Dear Maud
I think this is a beautiful setting & suggests the tune to me absolutely.
The only difficulty is that it does not give enough freedom to a singer of the Stirling McKinlay type – but she wdnt use it any way.1
The fact that it doesn’t correspond to the impression you got from the original singer leaves me cold. He gave you his reaction to the tune. But directly you add a pfte accomp & give it to an “educated” singer to sing you leave that all behind & the tune stands by itself with quite different reactions – if it will not bear this transplanting – then it must be left alone & not put in a collection of accompanied songs.
It was so nice seeing you at Worcester – I do hope you are feeling better2
Love from

1. Jean Stirling Mackinlay was an actress and singer whose performances of folk songs were very dramatic.
2. At the Three Choirs Festival.