Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Marion Scott

Letter No. VWL4613

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Marion Scott

Letter No.: VWL4613

From R. Vaughan Williams, 
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

[30 Dec 1937]

Dear Miss Scott
Very many thanks for your letter and for telling me of all the arrangements – I am very sorry I shall not be able to come on Friday; but I will certainly help you with Ronald Gurney1 when he comes to London.
I hear a rumour of a memorial concert. I think it a very good idea. I suggest your getting into touch with Hubert Foss2 & I think you two ought to be able to arrange it.
Of course I & I am sure all his other friends will do our best to help
Yours sincerely
R Vaughan Williams

1. Brother of the composer Ivor Gurney, who had died on 26 December.
2. Head of the Music Department at Oxford University Press