Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Margery Cullen

Letter No. VWL3325

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Margery Cullen

Letter No.: VWL3325

From R. Vaughan Williams,
10, Hanover Terrace,
Regents Park,
London, N.W.1.

March 15th 1958

Dear Margery,

The best plan would be to have it on one of the Wednesdays, rather than so much earlier: I suggest that the choice between 4th & 11th should be left to Tom, either suit me, but I must know that he is free on the day of the other performance: I know you think it would be better for me to take the first of the two performances, and this may effect Tom’s decision.1  If the 4th he takes the Saturday – if the 11th I do.  The Sunday rehearsal is a good idea if you can arrange it.2
The symphony will be broadcast, so perhaps John Sumers can hear it?  And for your information, Sancta Civitas will be broadcast on Good Friday: Adrian – Glasgow!3
Love from us both,

Uncle Ralph

Everybody seemed inspired on Wednesday night – I can say no more about it.  I am sending a copy of my round letter for the choirs which you kindly offered to have duplicated for me.4

1.  Thomas Armstrong was to take some of the rehearsals and conduct one of the performances of the Passion at Dorking that year. See VWL3515.
2.  The dates under discussion were presumably for the following year, since the 1958 performances had already taken place. In fact VW decided later in May not to conduct the Passion again. See VWL3297.
3.  See R.V.W.: a biography, p.391.
4.  In fact 5 March – the last performance of the St Matthew Passion that VW was to conduct. A recording of it was made by Christopher Finzi. See R.V.W.: a biography, p.389.