Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Margery Cullen

Letter No. VWL3566

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Margery Cullen

Letter No.: VWL3566

From R. Vaughan Williams,
10, Hanover Terrace,
Regents Park,
London, N.W.1.

November 15th 1957

My dear Margery,

The RVW trust hopes to continue the same sum for the next three years, but you will understand that I cannot promise this, as it is [in] the hands of the Committee…. also, as the money depends on th[e] whims of a fickle public, there may be none left!1
Do come some day soon and see the picture in position.  We also listened to the record with great pleasure.  I remember that performance of the Bach Concerto in the church very well, and I think some sanctimonious people were shocked because I kissed you in the church!
As regards Mr Tattersall … what is the Redcliffe Festival?  I am President of so many things I can’t remember them all.  I think we will discuss that as you suggest when you come up.2  I will note all the rehearsals, but is there not going to be one at Epsom?  I think that most important, especially if Tom can take it.3
I suppose Bill is engaging the orchestra as usual?  I should like if possible to have a full orchestra for the Thursday rehearsal, and if the Evangelist & the Christus are free they could come along too.

Please say when you would like to come to lunch. Love U.4

1.  The RVW Trust, which had been recently set up, had made a grant of £500 to the Leith Hill Musical Festival for a period of three years. See VWL3445.
2.  The festival was organised by Normal Tattersal and based on St Mary’s Redcliffe, in Bristol. See VWL3290.
3.  Thomas Armstrong. See VWL3515.
4.  Note in the hand of UVW.