Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Lucy Broadwood

Letter No. VWL514

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Lucy Broadwood

Letter No.: VWL514

3rd April 1923

Dear Miss Broadwood

If I only just say “thankyou” it means that I can’t say all I shd like to – But I remember years ago at St George’s Square when I was v. raw how you shewed me Purcell & Bach & many things I did not know & as to Folksong – it was you who 1st introduced me to it.1
Yrs very sincerely

R. Vaughan Williams

1. VW had conducted Bach’s St Matthew and St John Passions with the Bach Choir for the first time and Lucy Broadwood had presumably written warmly about a performance. See R.V.W.: a biography, p148.