Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Leslie Fly

Letter No. VWL611

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Leslie Fly

Letter No.: VWL611

[November 1926]

Dear Mr Fly1

Many thanks for your kind invitation – My wife & I hope vy much to be able to come on the 18th Dec:  but I cannot be quite sure.  As regards “Hugh” – I have not been able to do anything yet – & I am planning a more comprehensive revision. So please do what you like with your version at present.  What has happened to the boy with the charming Tenor voice who played Hugh?2
Yrs sincerely

R. Vaughan Williams

1. Director of a performance of Hugh the Drover given by Caterham School which had been given on 26th and 27th March 1926.  See VWL603. The VWs had been invited to a production of Bethlehem by Rutland Boughton at the school on 18 December 1926; in the event they did not attend (see VWL613).
2. VW had been struck by one of the singers in the performance – see VWL603 postscript.