Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Katharine Thomson

Letter No. VWL1944

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Katharine Thomson

Letter No.: VWL1944

The White Gates

Aug 7th [1945]

Dear Mrs Thomson

It seems a long way for you to come to Dorking from Birmingham but of course it wd give my wife and me great pleasure & we could talk over your project.  So will you suggest a day convenient to you.
As to coming to Birmingham to conduct – I hardly ever go away for the night now – so we had better leave that in abeyance.
I should like to meet your baritone one day & hear him sing.1
Please give my fond remembrances to Dr and Mrs Stewart2.
Yrs sincerely

R. Vaughan Williams

1.  Martin Marshall, a member of the Clarion Singers (ex inf Katharine Thomson). See VWL 451006.
2.  Katharine Thomson’s parents.