Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Katharine Thomson

Letter No. VWL1963

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Katharine Thomson

Letter No.: VWL1963

The White Gates

Oct 6 [1945]

Dear Mrs Thomson

I am asking Boosey to send you a copy of a delightful operetta by Benjamin called ‘The Devil Take her’.1  I wanted them also to get ‘Shamus O’Brien’2 – but they only have hire copies – Perhaps your father could lend you one to look at – you ought to do it.
Mr Marshall3 left his ‘Linden Lea’ behind – I will send it when I find a suitable envelope.
Please send my love to Polly & McHeath4 – I enjoyed your visit & the singing very much.
Yrs sincerely

R. Vaughan Williams

1.  By Arthur Benjamin (1931).
2.  Stanford.
3.  Martin Marshall. See VWL1944.
4.  Characters played by Elsie and Martin Marshall in The Beggars Opera, in a recent performance by the Clarion Singers in the new edition by E.J. Dent.