Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to John Warrack (OUP)
Letter No. VWL2825
Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to John Warrack (OUP)
Letter No.: VWL2825
From R. Vaughan Williams,
10, Hanover Terrace,
Regents Park,
London, N.W.1.
June 1st 1954.
Dear Warrack,
I enclose Roy Douglas’s list with my answers. I understand that I can keep my copy of the score. I’d be very grateful if you would write to Mr. Krasner saying that my engagements are entirely in the hands of Cornell, and that they have already filled up all my dates.
The Roy Harris score has safely arrived. Thank you very much. If you could borrow a record for me I should be very grateful. I will take great care of it.
R. Vaughan Williams
1. Warrack was seeing the score of the Tuba Concerto, Catalogue of Works 1954/2, through the press. VW spent the 1954 autumn term as Visiting Professor at Cornell University.
2. Roy Harris, American composer. The score which VW had requested was almost certainly of Harris’s third symphony of 1937, the ‘most performed American symphony’ according to Norman Lebrecht. VW was preparing himself for his visit to Cornell University.
Musical Works:
General Notes:
Typewritten, signed.
Location Of Original:
Shelfmark:File 2008Q