Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to John Buckland

Letter No. VWL5011

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to John Buckland

Letter No.: VWL5011

The White Gates,
Dorking, Surrey.

25th January, 1950.

Dear Buckland,
I was very glad to get your telegram and I listened part of the time, though I have to confess that the play bored me so that I could not listen to any more.
I liked the texture of your music and it seemed very well done, but I do not think somehow that you have got the knack of writing ballad tunes. This is a very specialised craft, and a great many great composers – e.g. Beethoven have not touched it.
I am glad to hear you have realised the Morris Dance at last. You might have done so long ago and I think it would have taught you a lot. You had only to ask me about it since you knew I was interested. A great many people who have never seen it imagine it is what you used to think and people like Arnold Bax (who ought to know better) and I rather think he has never seen it either, say very stupid things about it.
I think it would help your composition a lot if you were to learn to dance it. If you want an introduction to someone in your district who holds classes I will see what I can do.
Yours sincerely,

R Vaughan Williams

(R. Vaughan Williams).

John Buckland, Esq.,
2, Grosvenor Road, Seaford.