Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Joan and Martin Shaw

Letter No. VWL4193

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Joan and Martin Shaw

Letter No.: VWL4193

From R. Vaughan Williams
10, Hanover Terrace,
Regents Park,
London, N.W.1.

October 22nd 1957.

Dear Joan & Martin
I feel ashamed of myself behaving in such a scurvy manner to two of my best friends after your dear telegram and that splendid book.  But I thought that the book ought only to be read on Saturday … but two Saturdays passed and I was too snowed under to read it on Monday and Tuesday.  It is a delightful book.  Thank you very much for it.  I think the bit I liked best was the description of Persepolis.
I hope that the Briggery has treated you as well as it has treated me, but as the poor old boy can no longer go travelling in hymns I suppose we must look for a smaller return in the future.
Love to you both from us both,
yrs Ralph