Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Jean Stewart

Letter No. VWL5082

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Jean Stewart

Letter No.: VWL5082


My most beloved Jean
Your dear letter was a fine Aubade yesterday morning – Thankyou so much for sending the score to OUP.1 I am going to see Peterkin about it tomorrow – As regards parts we might at all events have a second set copied – when you can spare them – but when???
As to BBC you must do the 1st broadcast – otherwise nothing doing3
all my love dear Jean & try & be happy
Uncle Ralph

1. Presumably of the quartet which VW had dedicated to her; see VWL5064.
2. Norman Peterkin, head of music at Oxford University Press. The OUP published the quartet in 1947.
3. Stewart played with the MacGibbon quartet in a broadcast of this work on 13 October 1952. It is not clear if this was the first broadcast.