Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to James McKay Martin

Letter No. VWL2560

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to James McKay Martin

Letter No.: VWL2560

The White Gates,
Dorking, Surrey.

31st December, 1952

Dear Martin

Thank you very much for your Christmas good wishes.
I am glad to hear good news of Waddington1 because I heard, I think from Henry Ley2 that he had been ill and had a fall.
With kind regards
Yours sincerely

R. Vaughan Williams

J. M. Martin, Esq.,
21, Norland Square Mansions,
London, W.11

1. S.P. Waddington, composer, teacher, conductor of the first performance of Hugh the Drover and dedicatee of Sir John in Love.
2. Organist and (1926-1945) precentor at Eton. See R.V.W.: a biography p.421.