Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Isidore Schwiller

Letter No. VWL1194

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Isidore Schwiller

Letter No.: VWL1194

The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

March 4 [1934]

Dear Schwiller

The Dorking Festival is
Tuesday April 17
Wednesday April 18
Friday April 20.

On Friday we are doing “Gerontius”.  I feel sure that you will see the point of inviting W.H. Reed to lead the orchestra on that occasion.  He has the whole Gerontius tradition at his fingers ends and therefore will be of great help to me.  And I think he would be complimented at being asked.  If you agree and if Reed accepts my invitation I would ask you to lead the orchestra on Tuesday and Wednesday – And I should also much esteem it if you would consent to sit at the 1st desk with Reed on Friday.  But if you would rather not do this I shall quite understand.
I am trying to arrange an extra rehearsal for the professional players on the morning of April 20 and for a broadcast the same evening.
These will of course involve the usual extra fees.
Yrs very sincerely

R. Vaughan Williams