Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Imogen Holst

Letter No. VWL683

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Imogen Holst

Letter No.: VWL683

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

Sept [1939]

My Dear Imogen

I was thankful to know you are back in England1
I am not going to RCM2 this term as it was decided that only those who lived in or quite near London should do the teaching this term.3
I am coming up for an EFDS4 Ctee meeting tomorrow Tuesday week – & might look in then if you were in London.
Do you think you can help me about Goldsmith – His copying has of course all gone under – But he tells me that he had 6 years office experience as a young man & can do shorthand & typing – & he might be able to replace a called up man. – But don’t worry about him – at all events till you have found your own job! & then not much – I think he will find something.5
Our love to Isobel & you.
Uncle Ralph

1. Imogen Holst had been in Switzerland and had returned earlier than planned.
2. Royal College of Music
3. Because of the outbreak of war.
4. English Folk Dance Society
5. Until she eventually found a job in January 1940 as a travelling music organiser in the South West area for the Pilgrim Trust Music Travellers scheme (later taken over by the Council for the Encouragement of Music and the Arts – CEMA), Imogen Holst first went apple picking in Essex and then worked for the Bloomsbury House Refugee Organisation. S.O. Goldsmith was a copyist used by VW – and was recommended by VW to others – for example see VWL419. He lived in Luxemburg Gardens.