Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Herbert Byard

Letter No. VWL2803

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Herbert Byard

Letter No.: VWL2803

The White Gates

Sept 27 [1948?]

Dear Mr Byard

Your proposal rather overwhelms me – wd it not be better to start on a smaller scale.
I think your (1) & (2) would be quite enough for 1 year (By the way please don’t do the P. Pavement1
I am so glad to hear of your appointment – give all remembrance to Sumsion2 when you see him.
R. Vaughan Williams

P.S.  I know Cici’ter3 church – what a lovely place to be organist of.

P.P.S.  You couldn’t very well ask CEMA4 for help & produce my name as I am on the council!

1. The Pilgrim Pavement, Catalogue of Works 1934/8.
2. Herbert Sumsion, organist at Gloucester Cathedral.
3. i.e. Cirencester; Cirencester Parish Church where Byard was organist from 1945.
4. Council for the Encouragement of Music and the Arts