Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Herbert Bardgett

Letter No. VWL3311

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Herbert Bardgett

Letter No.: VWL3311

From R. Vaughan Williams,
10, Hanover Terrace,
Regents Park,
London, N.W.1.

March 25th 1956.

Dear Bardgett,

I want to repeat what I said to you last Sunday, and what I have also written to the choir: that their performance surpassed even my high expectations, and I want to say again that the wonder of your relationship is its mutualness: they can do nothing without you, and you can do nothing without them.  I am sorry for the delay in writing, but the effort of Sunday rather knocked me up, and I have been having a lazy time in bed ever since I got back.1
With kindest regards to you both from both of us,

R Vaughan Williams

1. Bardgett had prepared the Hallé chorus for the performance of the St Matthew Passion which VW conducted in Manchester on March 18th. See R.V.W.: a biography, pp.369-370 and Works of Vaughan Williams, p.334.