Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Harriet Cohen

Letter No. VWL988

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Harriet Cohen

Letter No.: VWL988

The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

[17 December 1931]

Dearest Harriet

Don’t tie yourself up with Stokowsky – if he wants the concerto next autumn he can have it – if you approve – otherwise we will leave ourselves free
– any way I’m not going to let any Yank have me (nor presumably will you) for nothing.1
– and we have definitely fixed for the B.B.C next autumn in London haven’t we? 2
The O.U.P control the concerto – so ask any manager who wants it to communicate direct with them.3
Come back soon! and bring down that balance (10000 – 10?)4

1. Ironically Leopold Stokowski was born in London in 1882 of Polish and Irish parentage.
2. In fact the Concerto did not receive its first performance until the following year – 1 February 1933, at the Queen’s Hall with the BBC Symphony Orchestra under Adrian Boult.
3. The publisher Oxford University Press were publishing the concerto.
4. A reference to outstanding balance of the reward VW was to claim for the concerto.  See VWL901. VW seems to have forgotten to sign the letter – it appears otherwise complete.