Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Guthrie Foote (OUP)

Letter No. VWL2417

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Guthrie Foote (OUP)

Letter No.: VWL2417

The White Gates,

20th November, 1947.

Dear Mr. Foote,

Thank you for your letter.  Could you get into touch with Sir Adrian Boult and ask him when he would like the score?1
Now another matter.  As I daresay you know, we are performing “The Blessing of the Swords” at the Leith Hill Festival on April 9th, and I shall want the band parts at least a month beforehand, so please keep them for us.  Would you kindly let me know what is the full orchestration and which parts are “cued in”.
And now for the second point – I have come to the conclusion that No. 4 of my five “Tudor Portraits” is too long, and I want to suggest some cuts.  Could these be pasted on an errata slip on the outside of the copies?  I enclose a copy with the cuts indicated list of the cuts.
Yours sincerely,
R Vaughan Williams

(R. Vaughan Williams).

G. Foote, Esq.,
Oxford University Press,
38, Soho Square,
London, W.1.

Five Tudor Portraits
No 4 (Jane Scroop)

Any or all of the following cuts may be made

Vocal score page 81 from 1 bar before (8) to page 82 5 bars before (9)

end of page 92
Figure (20) page 92 to Poco animato p.94 (9 bars before (22))

p.97 10½  bars before (24) (at the half bar) to p. 98 3½ bars before (24)


1.   Presumably of the Sixth Symphony whose first performance was to be given by Adrian Boult the following April.