Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Guthrie Foote (OUP)

Letter No. VWL2674

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Guthrie Foote (OUP)

Letter No.: VWL2674

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

March 30 [1953]

Dear Foote,

I have been through the proofs1 – wd it be a good plan to send them to Roy Douglas for a further checking? – or shall we do that on the 2nd proof?
There are two omissions which I fear may not be in the parts as they were late corrections namely
p. 12. celli & Bass2 
p  <  f   > 3
p. 50 c. anglais, clar, B. clar & fagotti f not p4
Could these be added to the parts?
I am rather surprized to find that the mottos have not been printed at the beginning of each movement – I fear there is no room now. The only thing to do will be to add a blank page at the beginning of each movement with the number & name of the movement and the motto – except in the case of III & IV where both titles & both mottos must be printed on one page as 4 is segue to 3
Also where is the dedication to go? – it usually comes at the head of the first score – but there is no room for that now.

R. Vaughan Williams

1. Of the published full score of Sinfonia Antartica (Catalogue of Works 1952/2).
2. Note added by Foote: [8] + 7 p not pp cellos and basses
3.  < and > are hairpins. Note added by Foote: [8] + 9
4. Note added by Foote: [3] + 5