Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Gustav Holst

Letter No. VWL1024

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Gustav Holst

Letter No.: VWL1024

Bryn Mawr

Nov 25th [1932]

Dear Gustav

I’ve met Ernest Cossart1 at last – It was all perfect – he was playing in Phila: and asked Una2 & me to dine & come on to the show.
We picked up again at once after 30 years & reminisced as hard as we could – Then we went on to the show – a very good amusing play – & he was absolutely perfect in it – funnily, on the stage he kept on reminding me of you.
Alas! At the last moment Valerie3 could not come – but I am to see her in N.Y.4 where I go today. I sail on Dec 3rd & shall be back on the 12th. I’ve had some good times here – but shall be thankful to be home. I go to the Davisons in Bo Cambridge on Tuesday.5
See you soon.

1. Stage name of Emil von Holst, brother of Gustav. VW was in the United States of America.
2. Una Lucas. See VWL1017.
3. Cossart’s daughter
4. New York
5. On Archibald Davison see VWL1017.