Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Gilmour Jenkins

Letter No. VWL2222

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Gilmour Jenkins

Letter No.: VWL2222

The White Gates,

[2nd May 1951]

Dear Gil

You know, I hope by now, how much I value your opinion – & when your opinion turns to praise I am indeed happy.1
I listened in last night – & felt I was hearing for the 1st time (you know that in the theatre I really cannot hear it owing to my deafness) – It was a splendid reception. I heard every word & the balance of orchestra & stage 1st rate.2

R. Vaughan Williams

1. Jenkins had possibly sent a letter about the Dorking concert on 17th April. See 510408.
2. This seems to refer to the broadcast performance of Pilgrim’s Progress on 30th April, although it is implied in R.V.W.: a biography, p.308, that VW was at the actual performance and not at home listening in with Adeline. [UVW says that a note in her diary indicates that she was at Dorking on 1st May and listened to the Broadcast too, although it was not apparently broadcast on that day.]