Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Gerald Finzi

Letter No. VWL624

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Gerald Finzi

Letter No.: VWL624

13 Cheyne Walk

Nov 18 [1927]

Dear Finzi

I have been thinking about your Concerto1 and should like to have another look at it.  Can you come round and show it to me one day – any morning except Wednesday. If Tuesday I must go out at 11.30 –
Yours sincerely

R Vaughan Williams

1. Finzi’s Violin Concerto, which had been first performed by Sybil Eaton with the British Women’s Symphony Orchestra conducted by Malcolm Sargent in May 1927. Its second performance was to be given by her in a Bach Choir concert conducted by VW on 1st February 1928 at the Queen’s Hall.