Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to George Parker

Letter No. VWL1627

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to George Parker

Letter No.: VWL1627

The White Gates

Jan 11 1942

Dear Parker1

I am delighted to hear from Miss Cullen2 that you will kindly sing for us at Dorking March 21 & 28
We make several cuts
Your numbers will be
28 “The Saviour”
29 Gladly would I
63 (choral) 1st verse – solo 4tet
74 At evening
75 Make me clean (1st part only)
77 & Now the Lord

Would you also take the parts of Judas, Peter, High Priest, Pilate etc
Miss Cullen tells me that you would rather have taken the Christus (we have engaged Cranmer3 for that).  To my view the bass solos are equally important (and I believe actually longer than the Christus part)
Would you however, like to make an experiment?
March 21 Christus Cranmer, solos Parker
March 28 Christus Parker, solos Cranmer?
If you would like this & Cranmer has no objection I should be quite willing.
Thank you once again
Yours sincerely
R Vaughan Williams

1.  Parker, a baritone, sang in the Dorking performances of Bach’s St Matthew Passion on a number of occasions. 
2. Margery Cullen, Honorary Secretary of the Leith Hill Musical Festival 1939-1964.
3. Arthur Cranmer – see R.V.W.: a biography, p.246.